The Outsider

Presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection. (

Author: Paul Slade Smith

Directed by Lorraine Barret

April 19, 20, 21*, 26, 27, 28*, 2024

Evenings at 8 PM – *Matinee at 2 PM

Tickets $18.00

Seniors (65+) and Students (High School & College w/student id) $15.00

Written in the salty, untempered language of big-city politics, this play about white male privilege, power and betrayal blends humor and inspired wisdom.

“…an old-fashioned rapid-fire comedy about back-room politics, Chicago-style. It’s the kind of play that has good guys and bad guys, with lines the audience spontaneously applauds.” —Life Newspaper.

“…crackles with suspense…When you find [a play] with the color and impetus of this one, you sit up and take notice.” —Philadelphia Inquirer.